Ticket of Treats Part 1

Date Released: October 5th - 31st 2023

This research was released as part of the paid ticket, Ticket of Treats, and was released as part of the Detective Pikachu event

Research Tasks

Task Task Reward Total Reward
Ticket of Treats Part 1
1 / 1
Take 3 snapshots of wild Pokémon
StardustStardust * 1000
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 3
Charged TMCharged TM * 3
3000 XP
Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon
ReviveRevive * 6
Take 5 snapshots of wild Pokémon
StardustStardust * 1500
Catch 30 Pokémon
Fast TMFast TM * 2
Take 10 snapshots of wild Pokémon
StardustStardust * 2000
Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon
Hyper PotionHyper Potion * 10
Take 15 snapshots of wild Pokémon
StardustStardust * 2500