
Young Link, The star of 2 Zelda game: The Orcarina of Time and Majora's Mask. He is a quick and nimble fighter. Let's have a look:

B: Fire Bow. Fires a Flame Arrow That does slightly More Damage than normal Link's.

B & Up: Spin Attack. This attack is quite a powerful attack and can be used as a 3rd jump to get you back on the ledge. It is also quite powerful.

B & Forward: Boomerang. This is a projectile and does more damage if the target is close to you.

B& Down: Bomb. YoungLink has an explosive which does more damage when used in the Air, othewise the damage is rather small. It is less powerful than Link's Bombs

Powerful A attacks:
A + Up: Upthrust. Whilst in the Air use this to break through most downwards attacks by other people. It does around 16% of damage if used correctly

A + Down: Downthrust. Whilst in the Air you can use this to attack any enemy below you. If used correctly it can do 22% of damage

Grab Attack
R: Hookshot. You can use this to grab onto a ledge, to grab an enemy and throw him or to grab an Item on the Floor

Z: Hookshot onto Ledges. When you're falling down and you are close to a ledge press Z to use your hookshot to get on it

Young Link's Trophies:

Ending Pictures. Spoiler Alert. Look at these at your own risk:

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