Saffron City

After that ordeal, the Rockets will have called for a tactical retreat thereby freeing the town and allowing you entrance to 3 new buildings including the local gym! The top-left house has a girl inside who will give you a TM31 for a Poké Doll from the Celadon Dept. Store. The other buildings aren't anything special so head to the gym after healing your Pokémon. Once in the gym, be sure to try and fight all of Sabrina's psychics. Be ready for some more teleport pads since they're the only way to get around in the gym. The Exact Combination is

Top Right, Lower Left, Top Right, Lower Left.

She'll field some pretty nasty psychic-type Pokémon, but your Pokémon should be able to handle the punishment. Any Pokémon with sleep attacks really helps here. Upon winning, you'll receive a TM46, Psywave, and the Marsh Badge which lets you use the Strength ability and makes all Pokémon up to level 70 obey without question. Now you're ready to head to Fuchsia City, traveling along Route 12 now accessible by the Pokéflute.

Gym Battle
Sabrina Abra
Lv. 50
Lv. 50
Lv. 50

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