Pokémon Colosseum

Far away in the Oore Region, a Skarmony flies across the desert. At Team Snagem's hideout, the grunts are buzzing around when a blast is heard at a side building. This alerts the leader, Gonzap, who together with the other grunts, rushes towards the damaged site. You appear at the blasted region of the wall with Umbreon, spots the small-Snagem-machine and grabs it quickly. You run out of the hideout and hop into your Spider Bike where Espeon is waiting for you. Gonzap is about to catch up with you when you dash away with you vehicle and at the last minute, blow up their hideout with a bomb you hid there. Gonzap glares after you as your bike disappears in the distance...

Outside-City Stand:
You arrive at the outside-city stand which is shaped like a train engine chamber. You walk towards the entrance and see two underlings of Miror B., Heboy and Troy, walk out of the stand and drive off in their vehicle. You enter the stand and read from the news on the TV that a secret hideout of Team Snagem has been discovered by the police after a mighty blast was heard. No members of the team were found though.

You talk to people in the stand and learn about Team Snagem. When you leave the stand, a trainer Willy will request to battle you.

Willy: Zigzagoon, Zigzagoon

After you beat him, Willy tells you about Phenac City, a water city in the middle of desert, on the west. You head towards Phenac.

Phenac City: (Pkmn Center, shop, Stadium, mayor's house, training school)
The moment you arrive, you see the Heboy and Troy trying to move a huge sac. They spot you and Heboi battles you.

Cipher Peon - Heboi - Whismur, Whismur

The two guys run away and two other people from the city gather around the bag. You release the string on the bag and save Mirei. She tells you dark pokemons and her ability to distinguish them from the normal ones. She asks for you help to save all the dark pokemons who are under evil control. You accept the offer and she starts following you around. Mirei tells you to head to the mayor's house. Two trainers can be battled in the city:

Rando - Sentret, Hoothoot
Mikey - Wurmple, Silcoon

You walk to the second platform of the city and before you enter the mayor's house, Cipher - Nascour appears before you and then heads off after a short confrontation. You enter the house of the mayor Bakurre, and he wishes you luck on your quest to help dark pokemons and tells you to inform him of any news on your progress. You head to the stadium on the third platform to discover that the competition has already begun. The lady tells you to come back later.

You leave the stadium and is confronted by 3 T.Snagem grunts. They demand back the mini-Snagem-machine you stole.

Snagem - Yachiino - Corphish, Koffing

You beat him and they run away. Mirei tells you to ask about Pokeballs at the Shop. You head back to the Shop to discover no Pokeballs are sold here. A lady tells you to go back to the Outside-city Stand to ask about them. You head out.

Outside-City Stand:
You talk to the owner of the stand, and he tells you Pokeballs are of no use coz there are no Nore pokemons, but he offers you five for free and agrees to sell you more for 200 pokedollars each. You read on the news that some T.Snagem members have been arrested and it is revealed that Snagem-machines can make use of normal Pokeballs to Snagem other people's pokemons. You go back to Phenac.

Phenac City:
You go back to the mayor's house to find Miror B. there with Troy, Heboi and three Cipher Rangers dressed in Red, Blue and Green. Miror B. tells Troy and Heboi to take care of you and he heads out with the rangers.

Cipher Peon - Troy - Spinarak, Duskull, Makuhita (Dark 30)

You Snagem Troy's Makuhita and they flee. Mirei congratulates you on helping the first dark pokemon.

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