Rosalina & Luma

Name: Rosalina & Luma

Game Series: Super Mario
First Appearance: Super Mario Galaxy (2007)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialLuma Shot

Rosalina's neutral special has her take control of her Luma. When you first use it, the Luma will be sent flying forwards before stopping. As usual, it can be controlled, just at this great distance. The longer you charge, the further the Luma goes. If the special is used again, then the Luma shall be recalled to join Rosalina.

Side SpecialStarbits

Rosalina's side special has her control her Luma and order it to send out small Starbit projectiles in front of it. This does minor damage and causes the opponent to stop in their tracks, unable to pass.

Up SpecialLaunch Star

Rosalina's up special is a non-damaging move. This move has Rosalina use a launch start to propel herself upwards.

Down SpecialItem Capture

Rosalina's down special is the Item Capture. This special has Rosalina create a small track of energy which attracts all nearby items to come directly to her and reflect projectiles around her. This does not damage opponents.

 Final Smash: Power Star

Rosalina's Final Smash is one that calls back to Super Mario Galaxy. When activated, she calls upon a giant Power Star which damages when being touched. In addition to this, smaller stars will occassionally be sent down, damaging anybody they hit. Rosalina can move freely while this is going on.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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