
Name: Samus

Game Series: Metroid
First Appearance: Metroid (1986)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialCharge Shot

Samus's neutral special has Samus charge up a massive energy ball from her arm gun. The charging can be temporarily stopped and once it has been charged, you can move about and shoot. A fully charged shot does decent damage and considerable knockback to any foe.

Side SpecialMissile

Samus's side special has Samus shoot a Missile out of her gun. These missiles start of slow but quickly zoom off until they hit something, causing an explosion that gives out decent damage and knockback. There are also super missiles which will move further and do more damage. These are obtained by holding forwards and then pressing the button.

Up SpecialScrew Attack

Samus's up special has Samus curl into the Morph Ball and jump upwards. The motion of this creates a small shockwave and anybody caught up within it is damaged with multiple small hits.

Down SpecialBomb

Samus's down special has Samus curl up into the Morph Ball and quickly release bombs. This move can be done ad nauseum to caught an explosion which does small damage.

 Final Smash: Zero Laser

Samus' Final Smash remains unchanged from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and has Samus shoot out a slow, but huge pulse of energy. Due to the size and length of this move, it is best to take up position on one of the sides of the level and let loose from there. The amount of damage thats inflicted on the opponent is entirely dependant on the amount of time they were caught in the beam. Unlike in the previous game, this does not cause Samus to change into Zero Suit Samus.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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