Berry Trees

As with all games, Berries are a very important factor in the game. While you have the ability to grow the berries you have in the Poké Pelago, getting the berries at first may be elusive. In this game, in the overworld of Alola, there are numerous Palm Trees which will have berries in front of them. This is where you get your berries.

Each time you get the berries, you'll get between 2 and 5 Berries, and the berries will regenerate at the start of every day. On some occassions, in the Berry pile, you will see a rustling. The Pokémon Crabrawler is only found through this.

Berry Tree Locations

Location PictureLocationBerry YieldCrabrawler Rarity
Melemele Island
Berry Fields Berry Fields Oran Berry
Persim Berry
Route 2 Route 2 Chesto Berry
Leppa Berry
Oran Berry
Persim Berry
Sitrus Berry
Route 3 Route 3 Cheri Berry
Chesto Berry
Leppa Berry
Pecha Berry
Sitrus Berry
Akala Island
Route 3 Route 4 Aguav Berry
Figy Berry
Iapapa Berry
Lum Berry
Mago Berry
Pecha Berry
Wiki Berry
Route 5 Route 5 Cheri Berry
Lum Berry
Pecha Berry
Persim Berry
Rawst Berry
Route 8 Route 8 Cheri Berry
Chesto Berry
Oran Berry
Lum Berry
Pecha Berry
Persim Berry
Sitrus Berry
Ula'ula Island
Route 10 Route 10 Grepa Berry
Hondew Berry
Kee Berry
Kelpsy Berry
Pomeg Berry
Qualot Berry
Tamato Berry
Route 16 Route 16 Aspear Berry
Lum Berry
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Persim Berry
Sitrus Berry
Route 17 Route 17 Ganlon Berry
Leppa Berry
Lum Berry
Pecha Berry
Rawst Berry
Sitrus Berry
Secluded Shore Secluded Shore Apicot Berry
Aspear Berry
Cheri Berry
Chesto Berry
Leppa Berry
Poni Island
Poni Plains Poni Plains Maranga Berry
Occa Berry
Passho Berry
Rindo Berry
Shuca Berry
Wacan Berry
Yache Berry
Poni Wilds Poni Wilds Charti Berry
Chilan Berry
Chople Berry
Colbur Berry
Occa Berry
Salac Berry
Shuca Berry
Poni Wilds Poni Wilds Babiri Berry
Passho Berry
Payapa Berry
Petaya Berry
Roseli Berry
Wacan Berry
Yache Berry
Poni Wilds Poni Wilds Coba Berry
Haban Berry
Kasib Berry
Liechi Berry
Kebia Berry
Rindo Berry
Tanga Berry