The High Link

The High Link is a new feature within Pokémon Black & White which allows you to connect to your friends and walk around the various parts of Unova. This feature is done over local wireless. This mode is not connectable via the Pokémon Centres but by tapping High Link in the Wireless option of the C Gear. Here, when you're hosting the High Link, everything looks normal. However, when you're the one joining somebody else's High Link, you enter a version of Unova that is in monochrome and appear as the multiplayer avatar of your game character.

In the High Link, you can walk around most areas and find your friend. You also get to find numerous support missions for you to complete to get prizes. You can team up with your friends to do these missions and other missions require you to face up against your friends.
It is currently unknown how many missions there are to be able to use or any other extra features brought in.

When six missions have taken place, the High Link host switches so they are the ones doing the missions and you're the recipient. If you fail the mission, the contents change.

High Link Forest

In the High Link area, to the north is a forest. In this forest, you will find three different, seemingly empty areas. In these areas, you wil llater find any and all Pokémon who have decided to join you from the Dream World. If you interact with them, you can challenge them and capture them. This is done with the special Dream Balls which appear in your bag. They guarantee capture.

Mission Listings

Support Mission (サポート ミッション)

Time Limit: 180 Seconds
Reward: 4 Derudama

The Support Missions give you the task of having to find the High Link host and giving them a special power. These powers are enhanced versions of the standard Deru Powers and last much longer. The mission giveaways are as follows

Name Time Limit Effect
Experience Point Power S 30 Minutes Received Experience Points are doubled
Experience Point Power MAX 1 Hour Received Experience Points are doubled
Pocket Money Power S 30 Minutes Money earned from trainer battles triples
Pocket Money Power MAX 1 Hour Money earned from trainer battles triples
Egg Hatch Power S 30 Minutes Eggs will become much easier to hatch while you're walking.
Egg Hatch Power MAX 1 Hour Eggs will become much easier to hatch while you're walking.
Friendship Power S 30 Minutes Pokémon become happier quicker.
Friendship Power MAX 1 Hour Pokémon become happier quicker.
Discount Power S 30 Minutes Gives a 50% Discount at all PokéMarts, Department Stores and Markets.
Discount Power MAX 1 Hour Gives a 50% Discount at all PokéMarts, Department Stores and Markets.
HP Restore Power One Use Hit Points are fully restored.
Capture Power S 30 Minutes The chance of catching a Pokémon is increased.
Capture Power MAX 1 Hour The chance of catching a Pokémon is increased.
Item Mission (アイテム ミッション)

Time Limit: 180 Seconds
Reward: 5 Derudama

There are two different kinds of item missions. The first, "Sell an Item" has you having to sell an item to another player at higher than its usual cost. The second, "Hide an Item" has you hide an item somewhere in Unova. If you are spoken to while doing this mission, the mission fails. Below is a list of the places you have to hide them

Area Specifics
Raimon City Between the Benches
Route 5 In front of the musician
Hodomoe City Behind the market
Route 7 In front of the Tower of Heavens' entrance
Souryuu City In front of the northern gate
Rescue Mission (レスキューミッション)

Time Limit: 180 Seconds
Reward: 5 Derudama

You need to go to the High Link host after a battle.

Name Time Limit Effect
Battle HP Restore Power One Use If you go up and talk to an opponent after a battle they will give you a Revive.
Battle Mission (バトル ミッション)

Time Limit: 180 Seconds
Reward: 5 Derudama

You need to go to find and challenge the High Link host to a battle. If you are refused the battle, you fail the mission. There are four different kinds of battles;

  • Two Pokémon - Level 10
  • Two Pokémon - Level 30
  • Two Pokémon - Level 50
  • Two Pokémon - Level 100