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High up at the Spear Pillar atop Mr. Coronet, Dia and Pearl are trying all their might to hold down the legendary deities, Dialga and Palkia. While Platinum continues to work on deciphering the ancient writings on the scroll of scripture, Cynthia keeps scanning the area around them with wary eyes, wondering why Cyrus is nowhere to be seen.

To her, something is definitely out of place in their current situation, but she is unable to put on a finger on what exactly is missing from the picture. Then, she notices the inconspicuous cloud of smoke shrouding the grounds in between the fallen pillar ruins, and realizes with a start that they aren't missing something, but something in excess is present.

As soon as the rationalization hits her, a blast of energy charges out from the black fog and hits Lee directly, knocking the Lickilicky onto the ground and hurling off Dia and Pearl at the same time. Cynthia and Platinum rush to the boys' side to check on them, but Pearl assures them that they are doing fine, and urges the Lady to continue decoding the ancient scripture. With his ability to identify Pokemon attacks, he already has an idea where Cyrus is, and points out that the man has cloaked himself within Honchkrow's Haze, and is ambushing them from the dark.

Pearl is about to warn Dia to stay away from the dark fog, but in that instant, the haze clears to reveal Cyrus's silhouette looming over the boy. Standing right in front of Honchkrow, it almost appears as if Cyrus himself is sprouting a pair of black wings from his back, giving off the impression that he is a fallen angel rising from the dark.

With tears running down his face, Cyrus wonders if they understand how sacred it is to have a complete spirit, and how noble it is to have a complete world. He doubts if they could comprehend what a great achievement it is for this scheme of his that has been accomplished, for after all, concepts as perplexed as Time and Space would be too complicated for kids like them to grasp. On second thought, he feels that his questions are indeed pointless and redundant to begin with.

However, despite an initial moment of astonishment, Dia gradually puts on a pensive look, and states that he actually understands it, much to Pearl and Platinum's shock. With a cautious tone, Dia mutters that perhaps he is unable to put sophisticated words to it, but he believes that he understands it.

For as long as he could remember, Dia knows that he is slow, and on the contrary, Pearl is hasty. To complete the same task, Pearl will always be ahead, and he himself will always be late. More than occasionally, the same amount of time will feel long to Pearl, while it feels short to him. But, they are still the same time. To Dia, this is the 'Time' that he felt.

Together with Pearl and the Lady, Dia has set out on a journey. The three of them used to know nothing but things near and around their hometown, but as they travelled far and wide, all the places, people and Pokemon they met for the first time, have made him realize just how big the world they are living in is. To Dia, that is the 'Space' that he felt.

Hearing Dia's words, Cyrus's tears stop flowing, and he begins to frown. He snaps that he has heard enough, and criticizes that people with such inferior understanding are hopeless in trying to thwart his scheme. He shakes his head in disgust, and says all this would be rid of together with the incomplete world.

The Team Galactic Leader's statement sparks anger in Dia, however, and the boy's hands slowly tremble with rage as he questions why it is up to Cyrus's decision to determine the fate of the world. For the 'Time' that he has spent with Pearl and the Lady, and the 'Space' that they have travelled together, they mean more than anything to him. Taking a glance at Cynthia and all the fallen Gymleaders, Dia states that he is not alone, and there are many more people and Pokemon who treasure and cherish this 'Time' and 'Space', which was why they have all come to join this fight. The boy puts on a determined look, and declares that it is not alright for Cyrus to take it all away for his twisted and convenient logic.

Cyrus stares down at Dia with disdain, but suddenly realizes that Dialga and Palkia have stopped fighting. He bolts around in bewilderment, and gasps in shock when he sees that the two deities have actually paid heed and listened to the boy's words while under his control. He refuses to believe that these legendary Pokemon who possess immense power are acknowledging the naive thoughts of a kid, and roars in fury as he sets the Red Chain spinning again. With that, the eyes of Dialga and Palkia turn hollow once more, and the two resume lashing out at one another with savageness.

Cyrus hollers that they must keep on clashing, and shows Dia the other Red Chain which has been broken. He grunts that thanks to Dia and his companions setting free Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit, they were unable to harvest the second set of crystals, giving him no choice but to replicate another with technological means. Yet, such an artificial item is incomplete in its existence, which was why the Gymleaders were able to shatter it, resulting in making his scheme incomplete. Passing blames on the boy, the TG Leader hurls the broken chain towards Dia, and smacks him square on the face, knocking him back.

Pearl and Platinum hurriedly dash forward to help Dia up, but the boy simply grins and holds a hand over his swollen cheek. Pearl calls Dia a fool for what he did, but nevertheless he is proud of his courage. Platinum too, compliments on Dia's words, and says they made her delighted, for she considers the journey they spent together a true blessing as well. With that, the three young trainers share a heartfelt smile, and feel once again connected with each another.

Dia wants to know if the Lady has succeeded in decoding the scripture, and Platinum responds with an affirmative answer. According to what was written, the two beings are an impeccable pair. 'Time' and 'Space'; the 'Adamant Orb' and the 'Lustrous Orb'; Dialga's strongest attack, 'Roar of Time', which is able to blow off time, and Palkia's strongest attack, 'Spacial Rend', which is able to slice through space; they all complement and balance out one another. Dia ponders on the ancient words, and sees the clear implication that everything comes in twos. However, only one single Red Chain currently remains, and the three trainers simultaneously turn to steal a glance at Cyrus.

Platinum states that a single Red Chain will not be fully capable of controlling the two beings, and there will certainly come a moment when the tug-o-war balance of power breaks, which is the instant that they must catch. Dia and Pearl nod in understanding, and quickly get all their team members ready to standby for that moment, to fire off their strongest attacks in that fleeting instant.

As Dialga and Palkia continue to claw at each other, the spatial deity all of a sudden loses the spark in its eyes, and freezes in its motions. The temporal deity grabs the chance to slam its opponent down onto the ground, and pounces on it forcefully. Cyrus roars in anguish at the imbalanced power control, and shrieks for Palkia to fight back. Platinum hollers that the moment has come, and Dia and Pearl's teams immediately unleash their attacks on Dialga, with Roo, Moo, Chatlord, Raylord, Zellord and Diglord firing distant energy blasts, and Chimlord, Taulord, Beh, Pooh and Lee throwing themselves forward physically.

The powerful array of strikes snaps Dialga out from its hollowed state, and the two deities share a nod with each other before creating an intense sphere of energy between them. Waves of blinding light swirl out to pull Cyrus off his feet, paralyzing him completely, and eventually sucking his body into its center.

Right before Cyrus's body distorts and vanishes within the light, the man steals a final glance at the three young trainers who have come to oppose him. In that instant, he finally sees it, an undeniable fact that he was oblivious to all this time: the calm and thoughtful 'Emotion' of the red-hat boy; the tough and strong 'Willpower' of the blonde boy; adding the 'Knowledge' of the girl, have formed the complete spirit. Because of this complete spirit, their act was no longer incomplete, and that was the reason they were able to thwart him.

Putting on grins of relief, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum share their moment of victory by bumping their fists against one another, while Cynthia and the two legendary deities, Dialga and Palkia, stand to watch from behind, each wearing a smile on their faces.

Perhaps, the crisis of Sinnoh has finally been solved...

(Original Japanese Jokes)

  1. There are no jokes or Manzai in this chapter.

Thanks To Coronis For Writing this for us

087: VS Dialga & Palkia V!
