
Name: Wolf

Game Series: Star Fox
First Appearance: Star Fox 64 (1997)

Unlock Criteria:

Alternate Costumes


Neutral SpecialBlaster

Like the other Starfox Characters, Wolf has a Blaster. Wolf's blaster is slower to use and recharge, however it does a lot of damage per shot compared to Fox & Falco. The damage is also increased if the target is close to Wolf as he fires due to the design of the Blaster which has a blade, causing the opponent to be pushed up and then hit with the blaster

Side SpecialWolf Flash

Wolf's side special is a move that does little damage. Like Fox & Falco's side moves, it allows Wolf to quickly trave from one area to another. However, unlike Fox & Falco, Wolf's also boosts him up off of the ground in a slight angle and any person that ends up on the receiving end of it does get a decent knock-back

Up SpecialFire Wolf

Wolf's recover move, the Booster is essentially a boost upwards. Unlike Fox's, Wolf's does not charge and quickly goes up as if Wolf is kicking and as such carries any person who hits it up with him.

Down SpecialReflector

Wolf has a reflector move that reflects any projectile sent at him back the way it came. However, Wolf's reflector not only reflects the attacks but also increases their speed 200% sending them hastily back at the opponent. If used when right next to another character, the Reflector will do slight damage to that character

Final Smash

Final Smash SpecialTeam Star Wolf

Wolf's Final Smash has Wolf use a targeting reticule in front of him and target down an enemy. If one is acquired, then he calls upon the rest of the Star Wolf team, jumps in a Wolfen, and the team flies in shooting any acquired targets, doing significant damage