Pewter City

After healing your Pokémon, you'll need to face the local gym leader Brock. Make Sure you Have Trained up a Butterfree otherwise you have automatically signed your Lose warrant. Like most gym Leaders they have Minions, but you can pass him without battling by going to the far right of the gym then going up. When you go up to Brock you will challenge him and the battle will begin

Brock Geodude Lv. 10 Onix Lv. 12

After defeating Brock, he'll give you his Boulder Badge and TM34 Which Is Bide. The badge will not only start you on your way to the Pokémon league championships, but it will boost your Pokémon's power as well as let you use the Flash ability. Once You have defeated Brock you can head off to the right and get through Route 3. Dont pay to go into the museum, there is nothing of use there, but when you have the Cut ability you can go through the Back Way And Obtain Old Amber. A Fossil which can be re-incarnated at Cinnibar Island

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