
Rainbow Island - Yasuri Cave

South Exit: Cheak Forest

Entrance | Drapion Room | Exit | Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3 | Trial 4 | Trial 5 | Altar |


Yasuri Cave - Entrance

Pokémon Listings

Ranger No. Picture Name Type Field Ability Assist
R-040 Poochyena Dark Break * 1 Dark
R-042 Zubat Poison Slash * 2 Poison
R-045 Koffing Poison Slam * 2 Poison
R-047 Geodude Rock Break * 1 Rock
R-025 Pachirisu Electric Recharge * 1 Recharge
R-050 Cranidos Rock Break * 2 Rock

Drapion Room

Yasuri Cave - Drapion Room

Pokémon Listings

Ranger No. Picture Name Type Field Ability Assist
R-054 Skuntank Poison Slam * 2 Poison


Yasuri Cave - Exit

Pokémon Listings

Ranger No. Picture Name Type Field Ability Assist
R-052 Dunsparce Normal Break * 1 Normal
R-053 Stunky Poison Slam * 1 Poison
R-051 Rampardos Rock Break * 3 Rock

Trial 1

Yasuri Cave - Trial 1

Trial 2

Yasuri Cave - Trial 2

Trial 3

Yasuri Cave - Trial 3

Trial 4

Yasuri Cave - Trial 4

Trial 5

Yasuri Cave - Trial 5

Pokémon Listings

Ranger No. Picture Name Type Field Ability Assist
R-094 Ledian Bug Break * 3 Bug
R-183 Primeape Fighting Break * 3 Fighting
R-009 Ampharos Electric Recharge * 5 Recharge


Yasuri Cave - Altar

Pokémon Listings

Ranger No. Picture Name Type Field Ability Assist
R-285 Absol Dark Slash * 4 Dark
R-261 Chimecho Psychic Teleport Psychic
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