Arena Ferox

Name: Arena Ferox

Game Series: Fire Emblem
Based upon: Fire Emblem Awakening (2012)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Stage

Ω Mode


Arena Ferox is a stage based upon the latest Fire Emblem game. At its first appearance, this stage appears to be a basic stage, but what happens is that it goes through multiple alternations as the battle progresses. These are completely random.

One alteration has various platforms come from above, while one T-shaped platform sits in the middle, allowing for segmentated battles.

The next alteration is one that resembles the Super Smash Bros. Brawl stage, Castle Siege. This alteration has two statues come up ot hold various platforms. These statutes, however, can be destroyed causing the platform to collapse.

The next alteration is one that has multiple diagonal platforms being held up by various pillars.

The final alteration is one that has two platforms to the side on the right while on the left there are two platforms that are attached to a mechanism that causes them to rotate.

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