
Name: Corneria

Game Series: Starfox
Based upon: Starfox 64 (1997)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Stage

Ω Mode


Corneria is a stage that is making its third appearance, after first appearing in Super Smash Bros. Melee and then again in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This stage has you battle atop the Great Fox as it flies over Corneria. As you are fighting on top of a space ship, you can be knocked off through various means on all sides.

On the odd occasion during the stage, various Arwings will fly through, firing their lasers around. These will damage anyone they hit, but the Arwings can be stood upon. In addition to that, the underside gun of the Great Fox can be used as a platform but also will charge up and fire, causing massive damage

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