Mushroomy Kingdom

Name: Mushroomy Kingdom

Game Series: Super Mario Bros.
Based upon: Super Mario Bros. (1985)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Stage

Ω Mode


Mushroomy Kingdom is a scrolling stage that takes place in a stage that matches the first level of the NES game Super Mario Bros. It makes its return after first appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Mushroomy Kingdom as it is a scrolling level, the terrain is constantly changing and you have to adapt your battle strategy to adjust as such. You can knock opponents out by either pushing them down the random holes that appear in the level or by knocking them up, left & right. You can get items by hitting them out of the various question mark blocks that adorn the level. Once you reach the end, the stage just continues to loop

Unlike Sper Smash Bros. Brawl, only the 1-1 level variation appears in this game. The 1-2 variation does not appear.

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