Reset Bomb Forest

Name: Reset Bomb Forest

Game Series: Kid Icarus
Based upon: Kid Icarus Uprising (2012)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Stage

Ω Mode


Reset Bomb Forest is a new stage based upon a battle that existed in Kid Icarus Uprising. In this stage, you start off on some ruins with a battle going on in the background. After a short amount of time, the Goddess of Nature, Viridi will appear and out of anger for the damage of the world, casts a Reset Bomb down that destroys the current arena you're battling on

After the Reset Bomb, you enter a new area that is made up of several floating platforms of rubble. Many of these are enclosed areas which can prevent the enemy from being blasted off. From time to time, a Lurchthorn shall fly by the bottom of the stage, causing damage to anybody who hits it. The stage will reset after a short time.

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