Mega Man

Name: Mega Man

Game Series: Mega Man
First Appearance: Mega Man (1987)

Unlock Criteria:

  • Starting Character

3DS Screenshots

Wii U Screenshots

Alternate Costumes

Special Moves

Neutral SpecialMetal Blade

Mega Man's neutral special has him simply throw out a Metal Blade forwards. This blade will damage any foe it hits. It doesn't stop, even if it hits the opponent.

Side SpecialCrash Bomber

Mega Man's side special is the Crash Bomber. This sends out a missle that, when it hits someone, affixes them with an equivalent to the Sticky Bomb. This can be passed onto any opponent, and even Mega Man.

Up SpecialRush Coil

Mega Man's up special has him call on his friend, Rush, and use him as a spring to propel himself up high. Rush will remain on the ground for a short time, allowing anybody to use him for the boost.

Down SpecialLeaf Shield

Mega Man's down special has him bring up four leaves which start circling him. These will damage any opponent who comes into contact with him, but will disappear after a short time. They can be sent off as projectiles by pressing the special button.

 Final Smash: Mega Man Special

Mega Man's Final Smash is a unique one in that it will create a black hole that is sent forwards. If any opponent is sucked in, then Mega Man will call upon various counterparts from his game and all of them will fire a laser towards the opponent, causing great damage.

Custom Moves

Coming soon.

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