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Unova Pokémon Pronunciation

Below are the most recent official pronunciations for Unova Pokémon. In official media, there may have been different pronunciations for various Pokémon but this list includes the most up-to-date pronunciation.

No. Pic Name Type Pronunciation
Victini vik-TEE-nee
Snivy SNY-vee
Servine SUR-vine
Serperior sur-PEER-ee-ur
Tepig TEH-pig
Pignite pig-NYTE
Emboar EHM-bohr
Oshawott AH-shah-wot
Dewott DOO-wot
Samurott SAM-uh-rot
Patrat pat-RAT
Watchog WAH-chawg
Lillipup LIL-ee-pup
Herdier HERD-ee-er
Stoutland STOWT-lund
Purrloin PUR-loyn
Liepard LY-purd
Pansage PAN-sayj
Simisage SIH-mee-sayj
Pansear PAN-seer
Simisear SIH-mee-seer
Panpour PAN-por
Simipour SIH-mee-por
Munna MOON-nuh
Musharna MOO-SHAHR-nuh
Pidove pih-DUV
Tranquill TRAN-kwil
Unfezant un-FEZ-ent
Blitzle BLIT-zul
Zebstrika zehb-STRY-kuh
Roggenrola rah-gen-ROH-lah
Boldore BOHL-dohr
Gigalith GIH-gah-lith
Woobat WOO-bat
Swoobat SWOO-bat
Drilbur DRIL-bur
Excadrill EKS-kuh-dril
Audino AW-dih-noh
Timburr TIM-bur
Gurdurr GUR-dur
Conkeldurr kon-KELL-dur
Tympole TIM-pohl
Palpitoad PAL-pih-tohd
Seismitoad SYZ-mih-tohd
Sewaddle seh-WAH-dul
Swadloon SWAHD-loon
Leavanny lee-VAN-nee
Venipede VEHN-ih-peed
Whirlipede WHIR-lih-peed
Scolipede SKOH-lih-peed
Cottonee KAHT-ton-ee
Whimsicott WHIM-sih-kot
Petilil PEH-tuh-LIL
Lilligant LIL-lih-gunt
Basculin BASS-kyoo-lin
Sandile SAN-dyle
Krokorok KRAHK-oh-rahk
Krookodile KROOK-oh-dyle
Darumaka dah-roo-MAH-kuh
Darmanitan DAR-MAN-ih-tan
Maractus mah-RAK-tus
Dwebble DWEHB-bul
Crustle KRUS-tul
Scraggy SKRAG-ee
Scrafty SKRAF-tee
Sigilyph SIH-jih-liff
Yamask YAH-mask
Cofagrigus kof-uh-GREE-guss
Tirtouga teer-TOO-gah
Carracosta care-a-KOSS-tah
Archen AR-ken
Archeops AR-kee-ops
Trubbish TRUB-bish
Garbodor gar-BOH-dur
Zorua ZORE-oo-ah
Zoroark ZORE-oh-ark
Minccino min-CHEE-noh
Cinccino chin-CHEE-noh
Gothita GAH-THEE-tah
Gothorita GAH-thoh-REE-tah
Gothitelle GAH-thih-tell
Solosis soh-LOH-sis
Duosion doo-OH-zhun
Reuniclus ree-yoo-NEE-klus
Ducklett DUK-lit
Swanna SWAH-nuh
Vanillite vuh-NIHL-lyte
Vanillish vuh-NIHL-lish
Vanilluxe vuh-NIHL-lux
Deerling DEER-ling
Sawsbuck SAWZ-buk
Emolga ee-MAHL-guh
Karrablast KAIR-ruh-blast
Escavalier ess-KAV-a-LEER
Foongus FOON-gus
Amoonguss uh-MOON-gus
Frillish FRIL-lish
Jellicent JEL-ih-sent
Alomomola uh-LOH-muh-MOH-luh
Joltik JOHL-tik
Galvantula gal-VAN-choo-luh
Ferroseed fer-AH-seed
Ferrothorn fer-AH-thorn
Klinklang KLEENK-klang
Tynamo TIE-nah-moh
Eelektrik ee-LEK-trik
Eelektross ee-LEK-trahs
Elgyem ELL-jee-ehm
Beheeyem BEE-hee-ehm
Litwick LIT-wik
Lampent LAM-pent
Chandelure shan-duh-LOOR
Axew AKS-yoo
Fraxure FRAK-shur
Haxorus HAK-soar-us
Cubchoo cub-CHOO
Beartic BAIR-tick
Cryogonal kry-AH-guh-nul
Shelmet SHELL-meht
Accelgor ak-SELL-gohr
Stunfisk STUN-fisk
Mienfoo MEEN-FOO
Mienshao MEEN-SHAU
Druddigon DRUD-dig-guhn
Golett GO-let
Golurk GO-lurk
Pawniard PAWN-yard
Bisharp BIH-sharp
Bouffalant BOO-fuh-lahnt
Rufflet RUF-lit
Braviary BRAY-vee-air-ee
Vullaby VUL-luh-bye
Mandibuzz MAN-dih-buzz
Heatmor HEET-mohr
Durant dur-ANT
Deino DY-noh
Zweilous ZVY-lus
Hydreigon hy-DRY-guhn
Larvesta lar-VESS-tah
Volcarona vol-kah-ROH-nah
Cobalion koh-BAY-lee-un
Terrakion tur-RAK-ee-un
Virizion vih-RYE-zee-un
Tornadus tohr-NAY-dus
Thundurus THUN-duh-rus
Reshiram RESH-i-ram
Zekrom ZECK-rahm
Landorus LAN-duh-rus
Kyurem KYOOR-rem
Keldeo KELL-dee-oh
Meloetta mell-oh-ET-tuh
Genesect JEN-uh-sekt