Max. CP At Capture
☆ |
☆ |
☆ |
☆ |
☆ |
☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 1746 | Boosted: | 2183 |
☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 1253 | Boosted: | 1566 |
☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 2166 | Boosted: | 2708 |
☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 1270 | Boosted: | 1587 |
Mega |
Normal: | 1337 | Boosted: | 1672 |
Southern Hemisphere
☆☆☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 1772 | Boosted: | 2216 |
Northern Hemisphere
☆☆☆☆☆ |
Normal: | 2101 | Boosted: | 2626 |
A Paldean Adventure
1 / 5 |
Catch 9 Pokémon |
| Poke Ball * 20 |
| Stardust * 900 | 900 XP | |
Branched Choices |
Adventure with Sprigatito |
Adventure with Fuecoco |
Adventure with Quaxly |
Adventure with Sprigatito 2 / 5 |
Catch 3 Pokémon |
| Poke Ball * 3 |
Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon |
| Stardust * 300 |
Adventure with Sprigatito 3 / 5 |
Spin 50 PokéStops or Gyms |
| Razz Berry * 20 |
Catch 200 Pokémon |
| Pinap Berry * 15 |
Send 60 Gifts to friends |
| Poke Ball * 25 |
Evolve a Sprigatito |
Earn a heart with your buddy on 7 different days |
| Stardust * 3000 |
Adventure with Sprigatito 4 / 5 |
Explore 30km |
| Mysterious Component * 5 |
| Encounter | 900 XP | |
Catch 400 Pokémon |
| Great Ball * 25 |
Earn 40 Candies walking with your buddy |
| Golden Razz Berry * 9 |
Evolve a Floragato |
Visit PokéStops on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |
Adventure with Sprigatito 5 / 5 |
Explore 80km |
| Ultra Ball * 25 |
| Lucky Egg * 1 | 900 XP | |
Catch 100 different species of Pokémon |
| Rocket Radar * 2 |
Complete 150 Field Research Tasks |
| Silver Pinap Berry * 5 |
Power up Pokémon 50 times |
| Sprigatito Candy * 50 |
Catch a Pokémon on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |
Adventure with Fuecoco 2 / 5 |
Catch 3 Pokémon |
| Poke Ball * 3 |
Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon |
| Stardust * 300 |
Adventure with Fuecoco 3 / 5 |
Spin 50 PokéStops or Gyms |
| Razz Berry * 20 |
Catch 200 Pokémon |
| Pinap Berry * 15 |
Send 60 Gifts to friends |
| Poke Ball * 25 |
Evolve a Fuecoco |
Earn a heart with your buddy on 7 different days |
| Stardust * 3000 |
Adventure with Fuecoco 4 / 5 |
Explore 30km |
| Mysterious Component * 5 |
| Encounter | 900 XP | |
Catch 400 Pokémon |
| Great Ball * 25 |
Earn 40 Candies walking with your buddy |
| Golden Razz Berry * 9 |
Evolve a Crocalor |
Visit PokéStops on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |
Adventure with Fuecoco 5 / 5 |
Explore 80km |
| Ultra Ball * 25 |
| Lucky Egg * 1 | 900 XP | |
Catch 100 different species of Pokémon |
| Rocket Radar * 2 |
Complete 150 Field Research Tasks |
| Silver Pinap Berry * 5 |
Power up Pokémon 50 times |
| Fuecoco Candy * 50 |
Catch a Pokémon on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |
Adventure with Quaxly 2 / 5 |
Catch 3 Pokémon |
| Poke Ball * 3 |
Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon |
| Stardust * 300 |
Adventure with Quaxly 3 / 5 |
Spin 50 PokéStops or Gyms |
| Razz Berry * 20 |
Catch 200 Pokémon |
| Pinap Berry * 15 |
Send 60 Gifts to friends |
| Poke Ball * 25 |
Evolve a Quaxly |
Earn a heart with your buddy on 7 different days |
| Stardust * 3000 |
Adventure with Quaxly 4 / 5 |
Explore 30km |
| Mysterious Component * 5 |
| Encounter | 900 XP | |
Catch 400 Pokémon |
| Great Ball * 25 |
Earn 40 Candies walking with your buddy |
| Golden Razz Berry * 9 |
Evolve a Quaxwell |
Visit PokéStops on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |
Adventure with Quaxly 5 / 5 |
Explore 80km |
| Ultra Ball * 25 |
| Lucky Egg * 1 | 900 XP | |
Catch 100 different species of Pokémon |
| Rocket Radar * 2 |
Complete 150 Field Research Tasks |
| Silver Pinap Berry * 5 |
Power up Pokémon 50 times |
| Quaxly Candy * 50 |
Catch a Pokémon on 14 different days |
| Stardust * 6000 |