April Fools 2019

Release Dates:

April 1st 2019 - April 2nd 2019

As part of the April Fool's Day tie-in, Smeargle got replaced as the Photobomb target in the GO Snapshot mode. This has either Ash Cap Pikachu (if version less than 0.139.1) or Ash (on Version 0.139.1) himself appear in the photo and results in an Original Cap Pikachu spawn. This can be done 5 times in a row.

New Shinies

Event Effects

Effect Type

Spawn Increases In Event

Specific Pokémon

No. Pic Name Type
In GO Snapshot Mode as a Photobomb

New Shiny Pokémon In Event

No. Pic Name Type
Pikachu (Original Cap)
Raichu (Original Cap)