Pidgey Pandemonium

Release Dates:

April 1st 2023 13:00 local time to 19:00 local time

This event is the annual April Fool's Day event, this year focusing around Pidgey with Special Research tied to it

Field Research
Field Research
Special Research
Special Research

Event Effects

Effect Type
Pidgey - XXS & XXL Increased chance

Spawn Increases In Event

Specific Pokémon

No. Pic Name Type

Shiny Capable

Event Exclusive Field Research

Task Reward
Transfer 3 Pokémon
PidgeyPidgey Encounter
Poke BallPoke Ball * 3

Special Research Introduced in Event

Pidgey Pandemonium
1 / 2
Catch 10 Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 25
StardustStardust * 1000
Pidgey Pidgey Encounter
Razz BerryRazz Berry * 5
Transfer 10 Pokémon
PotionPotion * 5
Make 5 Nice Throws
Nanab berryNanab berry * 5
2 / 2
Claim Reward
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 10
StardustStardust * 3000
Pidgey Pidgey Encounter
Pidgey CandyPidgey Candy * 15
Claim Reward
Hyper PotionHyper Potion * 5
Claim Reward
3500 XP

Event Exclusive Stickers

Pidgey Pidgey Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops
Pidgey Pidgey Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops