Search for Zarude

Date Released: October 1st 2021 - October 10th 2021

This Special Research ties in with Secrets of the Jungle movie and features the addition of Zarude into the game.

Research Tasks

Task Task Reward Total Reward
1 / 5
Catch 7 different species of Pokémon
Sun StoneSun Stone * 1
StardustStardust * 250
Nanab BerryNanab Berry * 10
Drilbur Drilbur Encounter
Catch 7 Pokémon
DiglettDiglett Encounter
Take 3 snapshots of wild Ground-type Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 15
2 / 5
Make 5 Great Throws in a row
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 5
StardustStardust * 250
Razz BerryRazz Berry * 10
Combee Combee Encounter
Catch 10 Bug-type Pokémon
DwebbleDwebble Encounter
Take 3 snapshots of wild Bug-type Pokémon
Great BallGreat Ball * 10
3 / 5
Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokémon
CherrimCherrim Encounter
StardustStardust * 500
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 10
Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Encounter
Catch 30 Grass- or Bug-type Pokémon
VileplumeVileplume Encounter
Take 3 snapshots of wild Grass-type Pokémon
Great BallGreat Ball * 10
4 / 5
Defeat 6 Team GO Rocket Grunts
AriadosAriados Encounter
StardustStardust * 500
PoffinPoffin * 1
Rufflet Rufflet Encounter
Catch 15 Pokémon with Weather Boost
ButterfreeButterfree Encounter
Take 3 snapshots of wild Flying-type Pokémon
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 10
5 / 5
Claim reward
1000 XP
Zarude Zarude Encounter
Zarude CandyZarude Candy * 10
StardustStardust * 1000
Claim reward
1000 XP
Claim reward
1000 XP